
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Walt Quote Wednesday

We are bringing back a feature we did for a while last year. 

Our latest entry for Walt Quote Wednesday is from an interview of Walt Disney by Fletcher Markle for the Canadian Broadcasting Company on September 25, 1963. Taken from the 2023 book 'The Official Walt Disney Quote Book' by the staff of the Walt Disney Archives.

“I actually started to plan the picture about 1935. And I fooled around with it, trying to get a hold of a story and things, for a couple years, and finally it began to jell, then I went to work on it and I finished in the fall of 1937. I didn't know what I had or what would happen or anything. We had the family fortune, we had everything wrapped up in Snow White. I fact the bankers, I think, were losing more sleep than I was. And fortunately, though, when we out it in and premiered it and everything else, why everything was fine and the bankers were happy"

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